Thursday, May 1, 2014

Scary Moments & Miracles

I debated if I wanted to write this post. I've stopped myself a few times. Do I want to share the freak out moments? But then I decided, especially if someone else comes across my little blog and is hearing scary news and recently diagnosed with sarcoma or any cancer, I want them to know they're not alone. So I'm sharing...

When we were at OHSU last week, the CT scan showed some small tumors left from when the mass ruptured in my abdomen. Scary moment #1. We had hoped the scan would come clean. Then the doc said it's stage 4.  Panic set it. My life flashed before my eyes. Scary moment #2. Doc's recommendation - chemo - and the big guns kind starting soon. #3. I had let chemo cross my mind, but I am was not excited about it. At. All. The days since OHSU blurred together with most days involving tears, thinking the worst and reading HOURS of info. about cancer, chemo and alternative therapies.

Tuesday I met the doctors here again. First the oncologist, who asked for the update on my visit to OHSU and then showed me the CT scan. The little masses are in places that worry them that they too could rupture. They want to shrink them fast so they don't rupture adding more little bits of cancer spread further. He began explaining chemo - the heart test first, minor surgery to get the port put in , and chemo's risks and goals. We would start next week.

We talked questions, risks, side effects, fertility and hair. And in the end, I've decided to try it. I'll do a radical nutrition plan too (no dairy, no sugar, gluten free, limited red meat and no nightshades and focus on veggies). I'm scared. I don't have answers. I'm still reading and I plan to fight - not just with drugs, but with a lifestyle overhaul. Tomorrow I go in for an echo cardiogram heart test to see if I can handle the drug. Next week I'll have minor surgery to put the port in and then next Friday would be my first dose.

Perks of chemo? Potentially shrinking the tumors. Not having to shave my legs. Free Brazilians (do you know how expensive those are?) Perks, people! Humor and finding the bright side get me through it.

Last night I lost it. This whole thing still feels like a bad dream that I will get to wake up from. But today was bright - I went back to work for 5 hours and felt massively loved!! I am incredibly blessed by my tribe, my community and people's willingness to stand in this with me. The warrior woman in me is a fighter and my tribe is full of warriors of all kinds. I'm grateful and terrified at the same time, and my warrior woman cries, "I am woman! Back the f off cancer!!"

There are still miracles happening everyday...

1. Tribal support...there are fundraisers in the works by incredible people, people have offered to help in so many ways!
2. Gifts and encouragement encourage me daily!
3. I was given a $500 Help$ grant from The Northwest Sarcoma Foundation toward medical bills
4. I'm gaining more energy.
5. My warrior spirit is getting fiercer!


  1. Hello Princess Warrior Sarah ~ My name is Diana, and I'm a friend of your fathers. Wow, what an amazing woman you are. I love reading your blog, even though it tugs at my heart it clarifies what I need to speak about when I'm snuggled up on God's lap. You keep speaking the truth so the rest of us have the privilege of learning from you. My son and his family have been 'Vegan' for years, and we all think he's a little bit of crazy. I read your nutrition line, stopped and turned to my husband and said 'oh my gosh Aaron's been right all along'. Anyway, Kiddo, I want to be initiated into your tribe. Sending Love and Powerful Positive vibes from The Dalles, OR. Diana

    1. Thank you so much Diana! I appreciate it! And yes, I really think there is something to be said for nutrition...check out the website: Chris Beat Cancer. He actually chose not to do traditional treatments, and cured his cancer with a radical diet. At stage 4, I felt I wanted to hit this thing harder with both traditional meds and diet. Thank you for joining the tribe! I appreciate it! :)
